Getting Started with Programming: The Basics for Beginners

Willy Kon
4 min readDec 12, 2022


Discover the world of programming and build your skills and confidence with the right resources and support.

Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash

Programming is a valuable skill that allows individuals to create and control the behavior of a computer or other piece of technology. It involves using a programming language to write a set of instructions, or code, that a computer can understand and execute. Learning to program can be challenging at first, but with practice and persistence, it can be an incredibly rewarding pursuit.

1. Pick a Programming Language

For those just starting out, it’s important to choose a programming language that is easy to learn and has a strong community of support. When it comes to learning to program, one of the key decisions you’ll need to make is which programming language to learn. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know which language is best suited to your needs and goals.

To pick the best programming language, it’s important to consider a few key factors. First, think about what you want to use the language for. Different languages are better suited to different tasks, so it’s important to choose a language that is appropriate for your intended use case. For example, if you want to build web applications, you’ll want to learn a language like JavaScript or Python, whereas if you’re interested in data analysis, you might want to learn R or Python.

Next, consider the resources and support available for the language you’re considering. Learning to program can be challenging, so it’s important to have access to good tutorials, documentation, and forums where you can get help and advice. Popular languages like Python, Java, and C++ tend to have a wealth of resources available, making them a good choice for beginners.

Some programming languages are more in-demand than others, so choosing a language that is widely used and has good job prospects can be a smart move. For example, languages like JavaScript, Java, and C++ are used in a wide range of industries and are in high demand, making them a good choice for aspiring programmers.

Basically, picking the best programming language involves considering your intended use case, the resources and support available, and your long-term career goals. By carefully evaluating these factors, you’ll be able to choose the right language for your needs and set yourself up for success as a programmer.

2. Look for Online Courses

Once you’ve chosen a language, the next step is to find a good learning resource. Online courses are an increasingly popular and convenient way to learn programming and other technical skills. With the right course and a bit of dedication, anyone can learn to code and unlock the potential of technology.

There are many online courses available, ranging from free tutorials and videos to more comprehensive and structured programs. Some popular options include Codecademy, Khan Academy, and Coursera. These courses offer a mix of video lessons, interactive exercises, and hands-on projects to help learners build their skills and confidence.

One of the key benefits of online courses is the flexibility they offer. Learners can work at their own pace and schedule, allowing them to balance their studies with other commitments. In addition, online courses often provide a supportive community of fellow learners, mentors, and experts who can provide guidance and feedback.

However, learning to program from online courses does have its challenges. It can be difficult to stay motivated and focused when working independently, and it’s important to have a solid understanding of the basics before moving on to more advanced topics. To succeed, learners need to be disciplined, organized, and willing to put in the time and effort to master the material. Nonetheless, learning to program from online courses can be a convenient and effective way to build your skills and confidence. With the right resources and a commitment to practice and hard work, anyone can learn to code and unlock the potential of technology.

3. Consistency and Selling Yourself

As you progress, it’s important to practice regularly and seek out opportunities to apply your skills in real-world settings. As a programmer, one of the key challenges you’ll face is standing out in a crowded and competitive field. To succeed, you’ll need to market yourself effectively, highlighting your skills and experience to potential employers and clients.

One of the first things you can do to market yourself as a programmer is to build a strong online presence. This could involve creating a website or online portfolio that showcases your work, writing blog posts or articles that demonstrate your expertise, and maintaining an active social media presence. By sharing your knowledge and experience online, you’ll be able to build a reputation as a knowledgeable and skilled programmer, which can help you attract opportunities and clients.

Another important aspect of marketing yourself as a programmer is networking. Attend meetups, conferences, and other events where you can meet and connect with other programmers, potential employers, and clients. By building a network of contacts, you’ll be able to learn about opportunities and get valuable feedback on your work.

One of the key ways to develop your skills as a programmer is to practice regularly. This could involve working on personal projects, participating in coding challenges or hackathons, or contributing to open-source projects. By regularly applying your skills in real-world settings, you’ll be able to improve your abilities and gain valuable experience.


In summary, programming is a valuable skill that can open up a wide range of career opportunities and enable individuals to create and control technology in powerful ways. With the right resources and a willingness to learn and practice, anyone can learn to program and embark on a rewarding career in this exciting field.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!

